An Entrepreneur is defined as ‘a person who organizes and operates a business (or businesses), taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.’
Being an entrepreneur means you will take on a ton of responsibility, and a ton of hard work. Being an entrepreneur means you will work long hours and handle many things. Ultimately, you are responsible for every aspect of your business and, especially in today’s world, you will wear many hats.
While money might be tight early on, that doesn’t mean you’re in this alone. Have you ever considered taking on an apprentice? Well, you should.
What is an apprentice
An apprentice is a person who is learning a skill from an employer, having agreed to work to gain valuable work experience. Completing an apprenticeship is an excellent way to kickstart your career, gain work experience and move on to the next step.
For an entrepreneur, taking on an apprentice to handle things like social media management, email marketing and more can be extremely helpful in the growth of your business. An apprentice, while working for experience, is someone who is ambitious and eager to succeed. They can become an integral part of your time and move up to a larger role after helping the company grow.

Why you should consider it
As an entrepreneur, you should be focusing on the business model and the overall growth of the company. You’re the top dog; so act like it. If you spend an hour every day just posting on your company’s social media pages, that’s one hour every day that is not being spent on something bigger picture. It (in a way) is a wasted hour.
An entrepreneur’s focus should be on the most important aspects of running a business. A week, a month, a year – they are only so long. Make sure you spend your time the right way. The last thing you want is to begin feeling overwhelmed at work!
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “two heads are better than one”? It’s been said over and over again for many years – so it must be true. An apprentice can offer unique insight and a valuable second opinion as you create your business and begin to market it.
Even if an apprentice is inexperienced and new to the business, they will have an outside outlook on what you’re doing and how you will appear to your audience.
Do not forget about this
Entrepreneurs: do not forget about your digital marketing. Please.
Too many business owners fail to recognize the importance of it and do not put in the appropriate time.
Digital marketing is the perfect task to put in the hands of an apprentice. It can be operated remotely and the apprentice will be able to take ownership of the channel once a plan is set with limited supervision. If it’s a young student, they will have a good grasp on today’s trends and on how to appeal to an online audience.
Lucky for you
It’s 2019 – entrepreneurs are well set up to succeed thanks to affordable tools and resources on the internet. You can even find an apprentice to help you with your online marketing for cheap!
GenM is an online platform that provides students with free, hands-on marketing experience to help businesses grow. Apprentices take free online courses and interact with entrepreneurs to find the perfect apprenticeship so they can launch their career!