7 Traditional Marketing Tactics That Are Still Useful

No matter what people think, traditional marketing tactics aren’t dead. Yes, some traditional marketing tactics are in decline and people don’t use them anymore, but others are still going strong and ruling the world of marketing. What’s important is that people haven’t forgotten about them.

That’s why we have decided to write an article that will point out the tactics of traditional marketing that continue to be useful even in the digital era. Keep reading to learn more about them!

Digital vs. Traditional Marketing tactics – What’s to know?

Even in the digital era, some business owners continue to give less preference for marketing. On the other hand, people who want to build a strong company choose to set aside a proper budget for marketing.

However, when business owners decide to try different marketing tactics, they have to ask themselves a few questions. Which kind of marketing should they choose? Which one will give their business the necessary boost? Should they go for digital or traditional marketing tactics?

Every business will struggle when deciding between traditional and digital marketing. Most people think that digital marketing is overpowering and surpassing traditional marketing, but that’s not true. Even though digital marketing can teach us about the importance of SEO and the elements that make a website successful, traditional marketing continues to fight back. This kind of marketing is hard to ignore and includes ads we encounter on a daily basis. Because of this, traditional marketing has survived the test of time.

Running a successful business is all about choosing the right market, offering quality products, and finding the right kind of marketing tactics.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional Marketing Techniques that still matter

Traditional marketing includes different methods that have been used since the advent of advertisement and marketing. These methods include television, newspaper, radio, flyers, billboards, and so on. Once, all these tactics had a great impact on the growth of a business, but today that’s not the case. The technological growth introduced us to digital marketing and everything changed.

However, even in the era of digital marketing and effective SEO hacks, some traditional marketing tactics are still highly effective for many businesses. This proves that traditional marketing methods still matter. And, here are only some of those that are important and useful for every business.


Billboards are one of the favorite traditional marketing tactics for most people. Everyone is familiar with this marketing tactic. Overlooking large signs is almost impossible and that’s why they are great for advertising a business, different products, or raising awareness. From highways to hallways, billboards have improved and grown over the past couple of years. As you have probably noticed, today, they have less text and focus on sending a message through images. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Direct Mail

You might think that direct mail is outdated but you’re wrong because it’s making a real comeback! Direct mail is fairly easy to understand and it has the power of targeting a particular audience. So, instead of trying to target every customer, with direct mail you’ll have a chance to choose your audience.

Researches show that direct mail can prove to your audience that you’re caring, trustworthy, and helpful. Some business owners even send handwritten letters because that makes these letters even more personal.

Compared to email, direct mail can make a customer feel appreciated, and that’s exactly what will convince them to check out your business.

Face-to-Face interaction

Traditional marketing methods have been around for ages, unlike digital marketing. One of the reasons why traditional marketing is still popular is the fact that it offers a more personal connection with customers, which they love. With digital marketing, it’s easy to build a connection via video chats, tutorials, emails, and so on. However, these connections aren’t as strong as those that are made in reality.

A face-to-face interaction always beats the virtual one in every field! This goes for marketing, too. With this kind of interaction, you’ll be able to build trust, connect easily and quickly with your potential customers. No matter how amazing technologies such as Face Time and Skype might be, nothing can replace the actual in-person exchange because human interaction is always more rewarding.

Flyers and Brochures

Giving out flyers and brochures might seem outdated to you, but it actually isn’t. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of a hand-out, especially when they are promoting special discounts and offers. What is great about this traditional marketing method is the fact that it includes face-to-face interaction.

If a person who hands them out has good social and marketing skills, the effect of flyers and brochures becomes even better and more effective. Flyers and brochures are great for advertising almost every business – from moving services, pet groomers, to language schools and pay per click marketing services that are affordable.

Flyers and brochures are one of the best ways for promoting special events, new products, and special discounts.


Signage is one of the easiest ways of sending a message to the audience. Instead of spending hours on developing a post for social media only for it to find its way to the bottom of the news feed, think about starting a signage campaign. With a signage campaign, every business will gain visibility and build brand recognition instantly!

Moreover, by putting a company’s name, its logo and contact information on window decals, buildings, in mobile taxis and buses, one company will be able to reach a wider audience than ever. However, if your company has a boring and old logo, you should redesign your logo before starting a signage campaign.

As you can see, traditional marketing tactics still work. They are alive and well. Some of them are even making a major comeback! This puts your business in a great position because you can finally combine digital and traditional marketing instead of choosing only one of them.

This kind of fusion will give your business the necessary boost and will affect its growth in a positive way. Create a balance between digital and traditional marketing, and your business will become unstoppable!

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